Picture of a crane going over a field.

Teston Country Park Sluice Gates programme

VolkerStevin has recently been appointed by the Environment Agency (EA) to carry out improvement work to the Upper Medway Navigation at Teston Country Park.

These works form part of the EA investment programme for navigation infrastructure which is well underway on the River Medway. Locks, weirs, and other navigation infrastructure make recreational and commercial boating on the River Medway possible. Our work will help to ensure safe navigation along this iconic river for boating communities and many other river users.

The Teston Sluice Refurbishment project will restore the gate, built in 1974, which is in a state of mechanical and electrical deterioration resulting in a risk of failure to the structure's operation. The project aim is to enhance the natural, historic, and built environment and provide safe access all year round to the lock site as well as protect the community from the risk of flooding.

 We are also taking the opportunity to improve the local environment and habitat, this includes the installation of a new eel pass at Teston sluice which allows critically endangered species to migrate successfully.

Initial site preparation works such as vegetation clearance have commenced. We have also sought to minimise the visual impact of the construction works by covering the site fencing with specially designed mesh panels that blend with the surrounding park environment.

The refurbishment works are expected to be completed before the end of the year.