M4 Junction 12-13
As part of a £0.33m sub-contract, VolkerGround Engineering was employed by VolkerLaser to install Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles to provide the foundations for a crashbarrier on the M4 motorway.

Using a Soilmec 210, the team installed 350no. 450mm diameter CFA piles adjacent to the hard shoulder.
VolkerGround Engineering combined strong working relationships with complex engineering initiatives to complete the M4 project to the highest standard.
The team worked closely with VolkerLaser to develop a temporary platform solution on the hard shoulder. This enabled us to use CFA piling techniques rather than less efficient piling methods.
Working adjacent to the live motorway, VolkerGround Engineering and VolkerLaser collaborated to ensure no road closures were required. The team utilised rubber tracks on the rig, to protect the road surface, reducing the need for repair works to the existing hard shoulder.