Sunderland Business Partnership visits New Wear high-level Footbridge project
Members of an influential network, Sunderland Business Partnership, recently visited our new high-level footbridge project at Riverside Sunderland. The visit was arranged to share with members what we are doing on the Wear, providing a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse of the engineering that goes into constructing this important piece of infrastructure.
Attendees from various businesses in the area learnt more about the work we’ve already completed on the bridge and what’s coming next as well as sharing our social value commitments and what the team is doing to support Sunderland’s communities.
The group had a tour of the site so they could see the work in action. They were amazed by the scale of the project and visiting it in person gave them the opportunity to see firsthand how this project will provide new opportunities for businesses and communities in Sunderland.
Mike Rimmer, Senior Project Manager, commented: “It was fantastic to host the Sunderland Business Partnership and share what our team are doing here. It is an incredibly complex scheme and we’ve implemented a number of innovative solutions already.
“Once complete the bridge will provide access to both pedestrians and cyclists, creating improved connections between the city centre and the Sheepfolds area.”
David Pattison, who works closely with Sunderland Business Partnership, said: “It was great to visit the VolkerStevin team to see the progress of the new footbridge across the River Wear, connecting both sides of Riverside Sunderland.
“I had underestimated the complexity of the scheme. The innovation and engineering involved in delivering this new bridge is incredible and literally world leading."
“The quality of the bridge is something we need to celebrate, it really is something for the city to be proud of, a genuine best in class bridge.”
David Pattison Works closely with Sunderland Business Partnership