Zuidbroek Nitrogen Mixing Plant, Groningen
VolkerTrenchless Solutions was contracted by the Dutch Gas Company, Gasunie, to complete the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) feed pipeline works as part of the new Nitrogen Combination Mixing Plant (CMZ2) in Zuidbroek, located in the Groningen region of The Netherlands.

The CMZ2 plant in Zuidbroek, Groningen, is a new nitrogen mixing station. As part of the new plant, VolkerTrenchless Solutions installed a HDD drilling of approximately 900 meters long, which crossed underneath a major A-Road and waterway. The drilling crew successfully pulled in the Ø916mm (36”) steel pipeline over 900 meters in less than 7 hours.
This crossing was accomplished by utilising one of three 250 tonne drilling rigs, which is operated by VolkerTrenchless Solutions.
During the pipeline installation, three ballast pipes were used, one of which was filled with water. Using engineered calculations, the filling of the water fill line within the steel pipeline was periodically filled with water during the installation process, to ensure the pulling force applied by the drilling rig did not exceed 60 tonnes throughout the installation operation of the steel pipeline.