
VolkerStevin selected by National Grid for flood defence framework

VolkerStevin was selected following a stringent tender process and eliminating nine other contractors to become one of three companies selected by National Grid to provide flood defences to over 38 sites across the UK.

This four year, £80 million, framework will see VolkerStevin protect National Grid assets such as sub stations and power distribution centres which are located in flood risk areas and local flood plains.
Commencing in May 2013 VolkerStevin will start flood defence construction at its first site, Stella South, a substation located in the North East of England.

During the construction phases of each project awarded under this contract, VolkerStevin will be utilising innovative environmental techniques developed through its long association with the Environment Agency.

"This is a great achievement for VolkerStevin and we are looking forward to developing this relationship with National Grid and becoming a valued member of the team."

Rob Coupe VolkerStevin's Managing Director