Site cabins with van parked outside

VolkerSite Services completes accommodation reconfiguration

The VolkerSite Services team recently returned to a site set-up in Southsea to reconfigure the site accommodation following a change in requirements by the project team.

Picture of a site cabin

This included adding a wellness room, installation of an additional kitchen and new office space. The team were able to redesign the configuration and share detailed plans about how the work could be completed without causing disruption to the site team. One of the many benefits of these modular units. 

Project Director, Martin Dobby, said: “We recently had the VolkerSite Services team back on site to reconfigure how we’re using our site accommodation. After having the units on site for almost four years our requirements have changed slightly and we approached the team to see if it would be feasible to reconfigure the space without disrupting any of our site work."

"The team were quick to assist and design a new configuration which is better suited to what we now need and the process was seamless. Communication and planning throughout was great and meant we were able to make the necessary changes smoothly”.

Martin Dobby Project Director