Mobile Organic Biofilm equipment.

Macclesfield WwTW make progress with innovative Mobile Organic Biofilm implementation

Last year the C2V team, working on the Macclesfield Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW) for United Utilities, commenced construction of the Mobile Organic Biofilm (MOB) tank. Now, just over a year later, the aeration grids have successfully passed the bubble pattern test.

The 11,700m³ MOB tank has an overall footprint of 65m by 32m. There are three treatment lanes with seven cells per lane, a three-way high-level distribution chamber and common outlet channel. 4,393m³ of concrete and 1,047t of reinforcement were used to construct the tank, with full construction completed earlier this year by our supply chain partner Offa-fix Formwork Ltd.

The MOB tank is required for a new biological secondary treatment process, consisting of organic media which travels through the secondary process but is retained through drum screens. The new process technology is patented by NuvodaTM and the plant at Macclesfield will be the first of its kind in the UK, providing both Phosphorous and Ammonia treatment. The MOB technology is an evolution of the existing activated sludge process and moving bed biofilm reactor process, and not only provides enhanced treatment but also vital environmental benefits throughout construction and operational activities.